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The President is the Foundation’s legal representative and curates the relationships with authorities, institutions, companies, social partners and other bodies in order to create collaborations in support of the Foundation’s activities.
The President-in-Office is Mr. Alberto Steindler.
The Steering Committee is the body devoted to the deliberation of fundamental acts allowing the Foundation to run its activities and reach its goals.
It consists of the representatives of the founding members, plus other entities elected by the Participation Committee, the number of which cannot exceed one third of the founding members.
The executive council takes care of the Foundation’s ordinary and extraordinary administration and management, following criteria of efficacy, efficiency and cost-reduction in order to implement the three-year activity plan deliberated by the Steering Committee.
The Executive Council drafts the Foundation’s budget, final balance and regulation and submits them to the Steering Committee for approval. Its members are in charge for three years and can be reelected.
The Technical-Scientific Committee submits proposals and opinions about the Foundation’s programs and activities to the Steering Committee and defines the technical and scientific aspects of the activity plans.
Its members are nominated within the quota defined by the Steering Committee among professionals that are particularly qualified in the Foundation’s field of interest. Members stay in charge for three years.
The chair of the Technical-Scientific Committee is Mr. Diego Bravar.
It is formed by the Founder and Participating members. It formulates advisory opinions and proposals on the Foundation’s activities, programs and goals and on the budget and final balance. It elects the Steering Committee’s members, the Participants’ representatives and a member of the Executive Council. The Participation Committee is chaired by the President of the Foundation and meets at least once a year.
The Auditor is nominated by the Steering Committee, stays in charge for three fiscal years and can be reconfirmed. The Auditor is the Foundation’s advisory accounting body, supervises the financial management, examines budget and final balance proposals by drafting dedicated reports and performs treasury audits.
The The Auditor participates without voting rights in the Steering Committee’s and Executive Council’s meetings.
The Auditor-in -Office is Mr. Alessandro Saliva.